Content Creator Challenge

Create the Most Viral
AI Avatar Video & Win $5,000

Register now to get the chance to get a free 1-month plan with AI Studios!

AI Text to Video

$10,000 in Prizes Available!

Join the challenge for a chance to win part of a $10,000 prize pool. Register now to participate.

and Key Dates

June 27 - July 11

Early Bird Registration

Register for our AI Video Challenge for a chance to get a free 1-month plan with AI Studios.Register Now →

July 12 - July 28

Create & Submit

Create your own AI Studios video using a custom avatar and post it to any social media platform. Then, complete the video submission form to compete for a spot on the leaderboard.

Video submission opens on July 12th.

Share & Vote

Post your video link on social media to collect votes from friends, family, and followers. You can vote as well!

Voting page opens on July 12th.

July 29 - July 30


Once the voting period ends, the DeepBrain AI team will review and confirm the top 51 videos.

Before August 7

Winner Announcement

Winners will be notified of their prizes via email and will be featured on our website and social media channels.

Open Topic Video

You can create a video on any topic you'd like! We are excited to see the unique and creative ideas you come up with!

Include a Custom Avatar

Your video must feature a custom avatar as the main visual element, using either our Dream Avatar or Instant Custom Avatar.

Post on Social Media

Your video must be posted on social media and submitted through our challenge submission form to qualify.

Video Ideas to Get You Started

Join the challenge for a chance to win part of a $10,000 prize pool. Register now to participate.

Instant Custom Avatar

Create a custom AI Influencer
from just a short video recording.

Dream Avatar

Transform your favorite photos
into custom AI avatars.

Instant Custom Avatar

We encourage you to add in
special effects from external design tools.

We’re Here to Answer All Your Questions

Have questions about the challenge? Find quick answers here!

Does it cost money to join this challenge?

This challenge is free to enter. During your free trial, you'll have access to our custom avatars, Dream Avatar and Instant Custom Avatar. Plus, if you register before July 11th, 11:59 PM, you’ll be entered into a promotional raffle for a chance to win one month of AI Studios for free, which includes 15 minutes from our Personal Plan.

To make participation easier, you can use external editing tools to create your video. Just make sure the custom avatar is the primary visual element. If the custom avatar isn’t the focal point, DeepBrain AI reserves the right to disqualify your entry.

What are the full guidelines for the challenge?

  • Registration: Registration between June 27 and July 11 is not required to enter the challenge and does not influence the results, but it is highly recommended to enter the special promotion.
  • Custom Avatar Usage: Your video must primarily feature our custom avatar features. Learn more about Dream Avatar and Instant Custom Avatar.
  • Video Topic & Length: The video topic can be on anything you’d like, as long as it adheres to the challenge’s Terms & Conditions. There is no minimum or maximum video length.
  • External Editing: You can use external editing software. Editing outside of AI Studios is allowed as long as you use Dream Avatar and/or Instant Custom Avatar. Your project file link may be required for confirmation.
  • Submission and Social Media Posting: Videos must be submitted through the submission link and posted on social media to qualify for the challenge.
  • Multiple Entries: Although multiple video entries can be submitted, each video must be unique and not simply the same video posted on different platforms.
  • How do I win the challenge?

    To win the challenge, you need to gather the most votes. Votes are collected through our dedicated voting page, which will be released on July 12th. As a challenger, you will be given a URL to share your video and encourage your friends, family, and social media followers to vote for your video!

    Do I need to be a paid subscriber of AI Studios to participate?

    No! You can participate even with a free account. While the features and minutes you have access to are limited, we know you can still create impactful videos with your creativity. Additionally, the type of account you hold does not influence the voting and results.

    Do I need to be a digital content creator or social media influencer to participate?

    While we do highly encourage digital content creators and influencers to participate, you definitely do not have to have a large platform to join. As long as your social media account is public and you share your video on it, you are free to enter with no minimum followers or subscribers required.