How to get more views on youtube

Updated on
January 18, 2024
How to guides
January 18, 2024

How can simple tweaks significantly increase your YouTube video views?

Hey there, fellow YouTuber! 👋 Are you struggling to get eyes on your videos despite all the hard work you've been putting in? You're not alone. The journey to YouTube success is filled with twists, turns, and a whole lot of learning. But what if I told you that a few simple tweaks could make all the difference? That's right, sometimes the secret to going from a handful of views to a viral sensation is just a matter of knowing the right tips and tricks.

Let's face it, we've all been there—refreshing the page to see if the view count has budged, wondering if our masterpiece will ever get the recognition it deserves. But here's the good news: I've got some insider strategies that could change the game for you. From crafting the perfect title to engaging with your audience like a pro, this blog post is your go-to guide for boosting those numbers. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's dive into the nifty tactics that can help your channel flourish. 🚀

1. Optimize Your Video Titles

A YouTube video about decluttering your desk

To boost your YouTube views, start with a compelling title. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point with these tips:

  • Clear and Descriptive: Your title is a sneak peek of your video. Make it informative yet concise. For example, "5 Quick Breakfast Recipes for Busy Mornings" tells viewers exactly what to expect.
  • Keyword-Rich: Help viewers find your video by including popular search terms. If you're talking about the latest tech, "2023 Smartphone Trends: What's New This Year?" incorporates trending keywords.
  • Engaging: Spark interest with a title that promises value, like "Transform Your Space: Home Organization Hacks." It's intriguing and offers a clear benefit to the viewer.

Remember, a strong title is like a front door – it invites people in. Here are a couple of examples:

  • "Declutter Your Desk: 10 Minimalist Design Tips" combines clarity with keywords like "declutter" and "minimalist design" while promising a practical takeaway.
  • "Unlocking the Mystery of the Deep Sea: Rare Creatures Revealed" creates curiosity and is likely to attract viewers interested in marine life.

2. Create Compelling Thumbnails

YouTube thumbnails of Mr. Beast's most popular videos
Photo: Mr. Beast/ YouTube

A captivating thumbnail can dramatically increase your YouTube video views. Here's a succinct guide to making your thumbnails stand out:

  • High-Quality Images: Always opt for sharp, high-resolution images that look professional across all devices.
  • Faces and Emotions: Including expressive human faces in thumbnails can instantly draw viewers' attention and convey the video's emotional tone.
  • Contrasting Colors: Select colors that stand out against YouTube's white and red interface to ensure your thumbnail catches the eye.
  • Text Overlays: Use brief and bold text to give viewers a quick insight into your video's content, complementing the video's title.

Recommended Thumbnail Creation Tools

For those seeking to design thumbnails without hassle, here's a table of user-friendly tools, complete with features and updated subscription fees.

3. Use SEO Strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn't just for websites. Boosting your YouTube video views requires smart use of SEO strategies. Here's how to make your content more discoverable:

  • Keywords in Your Video Descriptions: Think like your viewers. What would they type to find your video? If your content is about "budget travel tips," phrases like "affordable vacations" or "cheap travel hacks" should appear in your description. For instance, you might write, "Discover cheap travel hacks to explore the world on a budget," making your video more likely to pop up for those key terms.
  • Smart Use of Tags: Tags are like signposts for YouTube's algorithm. If you're posting a "yoga for beginners" video, your tags could be "yoga," "beginner yoga," and "yoga practice." These help YouTube suggest your video to users interested in starting their yoga journey.
  • Transcripts for Better Search Results: When you upload a transcript, search engines have more text to work with. If your video is a "guitar lesson for beginners," the transcript will include specific phrases like "chord progression" and "strumming patterns," which are terms aspiring guitarists might search for.

4. Promote on Social Media

Social media reactions coming out a smart phone

Boost your YouTube views with these concise social media strategies:

  • Cross-Platform Sharing: Post your videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, adapting your content for each network's unique audience.
  • Interactive Engagement: Quickly reply to comments and use polls or live sessions to connect with viewers, increasing your content's visibility through active participation.
  • Strategic Collaborations: Partner with relevant creators or influencers to cross-promote and extend your reach within their follower base.

Comparison of Social Media Promotional Tools

Here's a table that compares the promotional tools available on popular social media platforms to help promote YouTube content:

5. Engage with Your Audience

A woman yelling out of a smartphone

Building a robust relationship with your audience is a cornerstone of growing your YouTube channel. Engaged viewers are more likely to return to your channel, share your content, and become advocates for your brand. Here's how you can foster this vital connection:

  • Respond to Comments: Make it a habit to interact with your viewers by responding to their comments. This shows that you value their opinions and are willing to engage in conversations.
Top YouTubers like Marques Brownlee and Rosanna Pansino often take the time to reply to comments, which not only fosters a sense of community but also encourages more viewers to comment in the hope of receiving a direct response from the creator.
  • Ask for Feedback: Inviting your audience to share their thoughts and suggestions is a powerful way to show that you care about their preferences. This can be as simple as asking viewers what content they'd like to see next or seeking their opinions on a topic discussed in your video.
PewDiePie, one of the biggest names on the platform, frequently asks for feedback in his videos and adjusts his content accordingly, demonstrating a clear respect for his audience's input.
  • Community Tab: Utilize the Community tab effectively to keep your audience in the loop. This feature allows you to post polls, images, and updates, which can keep your audience engaged even when you're not posting videos.
For instance, the savvy use of the Community tab by creators like NikkieTutorials, who posts sneak peeks of upcoming projects, or Philip DeFranco, who uses polls to gauge viewer interest on topics, keeps their audience constantly interacting with their channel.

6. Consistency is Key

A man planning a content calendar

To excel on YouTube, consistency is non-negotiable. Here's a brief on how to keep your channel from getting lost in the noise:

  • Establish a Posting Schedule: Commit to a regular posting frequency that's manageable for you, ensuring your audience knows when to expect new content.
  • Use Scheduling to Your Advantage: Plan your content with YouTube's scheduling feature, allowing for timely and consistent video releases even when you're not actively online.
  • Create Engaging Series: Develop series or playlists to guide viewers through your content, increasing watch time and channel stickiness.

Tips for the consistency

To maintain this consistent posting strategy, consider using organizational tools like Trello, Asana, or Google Calendar. These platforms offer intuitive ways to plan your content schedule, set deadlines, and track your progress, ensuring that you're always prepared for your next upload.

And for those days when your motivation is waning, look for inspiration to keep the creative fires burning. Watching an uplifting video, like this inspirational TED Talk on creativity, can provide the boost you need to keep pushing forward. Remember, in the words of motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing—that's why we recommend it daily."

7. Analyze Your Performance

A bar graph and gauge growing positively

Mastering YouTube Analytics is a pivotal step in understanding how to captivate your audience and enhance your video's visibility. Here's a concise guide on utilizing analytics to boost your views:

  • Watch Time:
    • Definition & Importance: Watch time measures the total amount of time viewers have spent watching your videos. It's a critical factor in YouTube's algorithm for recommending content.
    • Analyzing Trends: By examining the 'Watch time' report, you can discern which videos hold your audience's attention. Look for patterns in the data, such as higher watch time on tutorials versus vlogs, or short-form content versus long-form.
    • Visual Representation: Incorporate a line graph or bar chart displaying watch time across your video library. Highlighting the peaks and dips allows you to visually pinpoint successful content types or ideal video lengths.
    • Actionable Steps: Use this data to focus on producing content that mirrors the characteristics of your high-performing videos, potentially increasing overall channel watch time and views.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR):
    • Definition & Impact: CTR indicates the percentage of people who click on your video after seeing the thumbnail or title. It's a direct reflection of how compelling your video appears at first glance.
    • Optimization Techniques: Show a 'Reach' tab screenshot, comparing CTRs across various videos. This can reveal how small adjustments, like enhancing thumbnails or tweaking video titles, can lead to noticeable improvements in viewer engagement.
    • Visual Examples: Provide before-and-after images of thumbnails or title changes that resulted in increased CTR. Such visuals can serve as a clear demonstration of effective optimization strategies for your readers.
  • Audience Insights:
    • Understanding Your Viewers: The 'Audience' tab provides a wealth of information about who is watching your videos, including age, gender, and geographic location.
    • Peak Activity Times: Share a graph illustrating the times your viewers are most active on YouTube. Aligning your posting schedule with these peak times can significantly boost your video's initial exposure.
    • Content Customization: Use demographic data to tailor your content to the preferences of your audience. For instance, if analytics reveal a predominantly young audience, consider creating trend-based content that appeals to that demographic.

8. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Low Click-Through Rate (CTR)

A URL bar

If your YouTube videos are suffering from a low Click-Through Rate (CTR), don't worry—there are actionable steps you can take to turn those numbers around.

Revise Titles and Thumbnails: Your video's first impression is its title and thumbnail. Make sure they're not just eye-catching, but also accurately represent the content. Use bold, clear fonts and high-contrast images for thumbnails. For titles, incorporate relevant keywords and create a sense of curiosity or urgency.

A/B Testing: Sometimes, the smallest changes can make the biggest difference. Experiment with different thumbnails and titles for the same video to determine which combinations resonate most with your audience. Tools like TubeBuddy can help you conduct these tests more efficiently.

Low Audience Retention

A stick-figure group of people

Keeping your audience engaged throughout your video is crucial for higher retention rates. Here's how you can ensure viewers stick around:

Hook Viewers Early: The first few seconds of your video should be captivating. Start with a teaser, an intriguing question, or a preview of what viewers will gain by watching the entire video. This approach helps set the expectation and piques interest.

Edit for Pace: A well-edited video keeps the pace flowing and prevents viewers from losing interest. Cut out any unnecessary parts, use transitions effectively, and ensure your content is dynamic. Consider the rhythm of your video and whether it matches the expectation of your target audience.

Inconsistent Growth

A multi-line graph

Inconsistent growth can be frustrating, but with a few tweaks to your approach, you can start seeing steady progress.

Content Strategy: Take a deep dive into your content strategy. Is it truly aligned with what your audience wants? Analyze your most successful videos and look for patterns. Use this insight to create more content that your viewers love.

Promotion Strategy: Expanding your reach beyond YouTube can significantly impact your growth. Share your videos on social media, embed them in blog posts, or collaborate with influencers in your niche. The more places your content appears, the more viewers you'll attract.

9. Additional Tips and Tricks

A gift coming out of a box

To really maximize your YouTube views, consider these additional strategies:

  • End Screens and Cards: These YouTube features are like your own personal advertising space. Use end screens and cards to suggest additional content, encourage subscriptions, or point viewers to your website. It's a simple way to keep viewers engaged with your channel.
  • Collaborations: Teaming up with other YouTubers can introduce your channel to a whole new audience. Find creators who share your target demographic and propose a collaboration that benefits both of you.
  • Giveaways and Contests: Everyone loves free stuff. Running a giveaway or contest can increase engagement and encourage viewers to share your content. Just make sure to follow YouTube's guidelines for promotions.
  • Quality Content: At the end of the day, the value you provide is what will keep viewers coming back for more. Invest time in creating high-quality, informative, or entertaining content that fulfills your audience's needs or interests.

Remember, getting more views on YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes consistent effort and a willingness to adapt and improve. With these strategies in hand, you're well on your way to growing your YouTube presence and achieving your video marketing goals.

You're Almost There!

The YouTube subscribe button being clicked

And there you have it, folks—the inside scoop on boosting those YouTube views! Remember, it's all about making friends with the algorithm while keeping your content as awesome as ever. Sprinkle a little SEO magic on your titles, make those thumbnails pop, and chat it up with your viewers. Keep it consistent, like your favorite TV show, and always, always keep your eyes on the analytics prize.

Don't sweat the small stuff, though. Every YouTuber started with just one view, one subscriber, and one like. It's the small victories that lead to big wins. So, keep your camera rolling, your edits slick, and your spirits high. Your YouTube journey is on its way up, and every click is a high-five from viewers around the world. Let's get those views climbing!

How to get more views on youtube
Sohee Kim


I am skilled in enhancing AI systems with creative solutions, especially in the field of sound technology. My position highlights the importance of maintaining data accuracy and structured management, key elements for the progress of AI. Furthermore, I concentrate on the excellence of sound synthesis and the pre-processing.