4つのベストショートフォームビデオエディターの比較 [2024年5月]

Updated on
August 11, 2024
Best Tools
August 11, 2024

Which Video Editor Best Suits Your Short-Content Needs?

In the age of TikTok, Instagram Stories, and YouTube Shorts, the power of short-form video content is undeniable 📱. With attention spans shrinking and the demand for quick, engaging content rising, having the right tools to create snappy, polished videos is more important than ever ⏱️. But with a plethora of video editing software available, how do you choose the best one for your needs? Are you looking for something with the sophistication of a professional suite or the simplicity of a drag-and-drop interface ✂️? Do you need AI-driven capabilities, or are traditional editing tools sufficient for your vision ?

In this blog post, we'll explore the top contenders in the short-form video editing landscape 🏆. From AI Studios by DeepBrain AI's cutting-edge technology to Adobe Premiere Rush's versatility, each editor has its unique strengths 💪. We'll delve into Canva's user-friendly approach to video creation, the action-packed features of Quik by GoPro, and the streamlined experience offered by CapCut. To help you navigate these options, we'll introduce an evaluation framework that outlines key factors to consider when selecting a video editor 🛠️. By the end of this post, you'll have all the insights needed to make an informed decision. So, whether you're a content creator looking to captivate your audience, a marketer aiming to craft compelling stories, or just someone who loves to share life's moments, join us as we uncover the best short-form video editor tailored to your creative needs 🎬.

1. AI Studios by DeepBrain AI

AI Studios
by DeepBrain AI is redefining the landscape of video editing by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence. This platform is a game-changer for creating short-form videos that captivate and engage audiences. Below, we explore the features that position AI Studios as the #1 best AI video editor for quick and professional content creation.

Key Features:

  • AI-Driven Platform: AI Studios leverages advanced AI to automate video editing and creation, transforming the process into a swift and efficient experience.
  • Lifelike AI Avatars: Personalize your videos with realistic AI avatars that can represent your brand and message with a human touch, without the need for actual actors.
  • Text-to-Video Technology: Convert written content into dynamic videos in minutes, streamlining the production process and allowing for rapid content generation.
  • Customization at Your Fingertips: Tailor scenes and avatars to align perfectly with your brand identity, ensuring consistency and recognition across all your video content.


  • Innovative AI Technology: Stand out with unique content crafted through cutting-edge AI, setting a new standard for video creation.
  • Time and Resource Efficiency: Save on the expenses and effort of traditional filming by producing high-quality videos directly from the platform.
  • Professional Output: Achieve a polished, professional look that resonates with viewers, all with minimal effort and no prior editing experience needed.


  • Subscription Costs: Depending on your usage, the subscription model may add to your expenses, but considering the value of the output, it can be a worthy investment.

The Ultimate Tool for Short-Form Video Content:

Photo: DeepBrain AI

AI Studios is not just an ordinary video editing tool online; it's a comprehensive solution that empowers you to create professional videos in minutes. Whether you're aiming to produce demonstrations, educational content, how-tos, or marketing materials, AI Studios provides the tools you need:

  • Simplified Editing Process: No editing skills? No problem. AI Studios' online video maker streamlines the editing process with easy-to-use features like transitions, music, and more.
  • Multilingual AI Voiceovers: With text-to-speech technology supporting over 80 languages, AI Studios eliminates the need for separate audio tracks, making narration a breeze.

Try AI Studios for Free:

Curious about AI Studios? Experience its capabilities firsthand with a free demo. Select a video template, input your script, and generate a video at no cost. It's the perfect way to witness how AI Studios can enhance your content creation workflow.

AI Studios by Deepbrain AI is the pinnacle of short-form video editing, enabling anyone to craft compelling videos with ease and efficiency. It's the ideal tool for modern content creators who value quality, speed, and innovation.

2. Adobe Premiere Rush

Adobe Premiere Rush's app thumbnail
Photo: Adobe Premiere Rush

Adobe Premiere Rush stands as a formidable ally for video creators who are always on the move. It's designed to provide a streamlined video editing process without compromising on power or quality. Let's delve into the specifics that make Adobe Premiere Rush an essential tool for content creators.

Key Features:

  • Multi-track Timeline: Edit like a pro with multiple video and audio tracks. Layer in graphics, effects, and audio for more complex storytelling.
  • Built-in Camera Functionality: Capture high-quality videos directly within the app, ensuring that your raw footage is as professional as your edits.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Integration: Access and work on your projects from any device. With Creative Cloud, your edits are automatically synced, allowing for a seamless transition from mobile to desktop.


  • Professional-Quality Tools: Utilize a range of tools and effects that are on par with professional editing software, making your videos stand out.
  • Cross-Device Functionality: Start editing on your phone and finish on your desktop. The flexibility of Premiere Rush allows for creative freedom wherever you are.
  • Intuitive Interface: Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, the user-friendly interface makes video editing accessible and enjoyable.


  • Limited Free Version: While the free version gives you a taste of what's possible, it's just the appetizer to the full course of features offered in the paid version.
  • Subscription Model: The ongoing cost can be a barrier for some, especially if you're managing a tight budget for your creative projects.

3. Canva Video Editor

Canva's video editor logo
Photo: Canva

Canva Video Editor is the go-to platform for individuals and businesses looking to create compelling video content with ease. This editor extends the simplicity and versatility that Canva's graphic design platform is known for, into the realm of video creation. Let's explore the features that make Canva Video Editor an accessible and powerful tool for creators of all skill levels.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Template Library: Jumpstart your video creation with a wide array of professionally designed templates suitable for any occasion or content type.
  • Drag-and-Drop Simplicity: The intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows for easy video assembly, making complex editing tasks straightforward and enjoyable.
  • Collaborative Features: Work together with your team in real-time, making it easier to produce collaborative video projects regardless of your location.


  • Intuitive for All Users: Canva's user-friendly interface is designed for non-professionals, yet it's robust enough to craft a variety of video types, from social media clips to business presentations.
  • Versatility at Your Fingertips: Whether you're creating educational content, marketing videos, or personal stories, Canva Video Editor has the tools to bring your vision to life.


  • Some Limitations: While Canva Video Editor is powerful, it doesn't offer the advanced editing capabilities found in more specialized software, which may be a drawback for professional editors.
  • Premium Features at a Price: To unlock higher resolution exports and some of the more premium features, you'll need to subscribe to Canva Pro or Canva for Enterprise.

4. Quik by GoPro

Quik by GoPro's logo
Photo: Quik by GoPro

GoPro has long been a leader in the action camera market, and its venture into software solutions with Quik further solidifies its commitment to providing a comprehensive video creation experience. Quik by GoPro is designed to offer users a quick and efficient way to create engaging videos with minimal effort. Below is a detailed analysis of the key features, pros, and cons of Quik by GoPro.

Key Features:

  • Automatic Video Creation: Quik uses preset themes to analyze your footage and automatically generate a video. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to quickly create videos without delving into complex editing processes.
  • 音楽同期:このアプリはビデオクリップを音楽のビートに同期させ、最終的なビデオにプロフェッショナルなタッチを加えることができます。この機能により、まとまりのあるダイナミックな編集が可能になり、視聴体験が向上します。


  • 費用対効果: Quikは無料で使用できます。これは、費用対効果の高いビデオ編集ソリューションを探しているユーザーにとって大きな利点です。最終的な動画には透かしが入らないため、追加費用をかけずにすっきりとしたプロフェッショナルな仕上がりになります。
  • スピードと利便性: アプリの自動編集機能により、ユーザーはコンテンツをすばやく作成できます。これは、外出先や厳しい時間制約の中で動画を制作する必要があるユーザーにとって特に有益です。


  • 制限付き編集コントロール: 自動動画作成は主要な機能ですが、ユーザーが編集プロセスを制御できる範囲が限られていることも意味します。動画を微調整したい人は、この手動制御がないことが欠点だと感じるかもしれません。
  • カスタマイズオプション: ユーザーによっては、Quik のカスタマイズオプションではニーズに合わないと感じる場合があります。動画に特定のスタイルやブランドを適用したいクリエイターにとって、あらかじめ設定されたテーマや効果に頼るには限界があります。

5。キャップカット (旧ビアメーカー)




  • 詳細編集オプション: CapCutには、クリップのカット、反転、レイヤー化などのさまざまな編集ツールがあり、単純なプロジェクトと複雑なプロジェクトの両方で速度を調整できます。
  • エフェクトとフィルターの豊富なライブラリ: ユーザーはさまざまなエフェクト、フィルター、ステッカーを利用して、動画の質を高めたり、創造性を加えたりできます。
  • クロマキー:この機能により、ユーザーは色の範囲を透明にすることでビデオの背景を変更できます。これは特にグリーンスクリーン効果に役立ちます。


  • ダイレクトシェアリング:CapCutを使用すると、TikTok、Instagram、YouTubeなどのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームに直接共有できるため、コンテンツクリエーターの公開プロセスが合理化されます
  • ウォーターマークなし: 多くの無料動画編集アプリとは異なり、CapCutはエクスポートされた動画にウォーターマークを入れないので、プロ並みの見た目を保ちたいユーザーにとっては大きなメリットです。
  • 直感的なインターフェイス: このアプリはわかりやすいインターフェースで設計されているため、初心者でも利用しやすく、経験豊富な編集者が必要とする複雑さも備えています。


  • モバイルのみ: モバイルアプリであるCapCutは、デスクトップコンピューターでの編集を好むユーザーや、より高度なデスクトップ編集ソフトウェア機能を必要とするユーザーを満足させない場合があります。
  • パフォーマンス: アプリはモバイルでの使用に最適化されていますが、パフォーマンスはデバイスによって異なる場合があります。一部のユーザーは、古いスマートフォンやそれほど強力ではないスマートフォンでラグやクラッシュを経験しています。
  • 学習曲線: CapCutはユーザーフレンドリーですが、新規ユーザーにとっては幅広い機能に圧倒される可能性があり、アプリを最大限に活用するには習得に時間がかかる場合があります。


Video Editor Key Features Pros Cons Available Platforms
AI Studios by Deepbrain AI AI-Driven Platform, Lifelike AI Avatars, Text-to-Video Innovative AI, Efficient, Professional Quality Subscription Cost Web, iOS, Android
Adobe Premiere Rush Multi-track Timeline, Built-in Camera, Adobe CC Integration Professional Tools, Cross-Device, Intuitive Limited Free Version, Subscription Model iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS
Canva Video Editor Template Library, Drag-and-Drop, Collaboration User-Friendly, Versatile, Free Version Available Limited Advanced Features, Premium Cost Web, iOS, Android
Quik by GoPro Automatic Video Creation, Music Sync Free to Use, Quick Editing Limited Control, Limited Customization iOS, Android
CapCut (formerly ViaMaker) Advanced Editing, Effects/Filters, Chroma Key Direct Sharing, No Watermarks, Intuitive Mobile-Only, Performance Varies, Learning Curve iOS, Android

この包括的な比較は、各エディターの機能と、それぞれの違いをより明確に把握することを目的としています。AI StudiosのようなAI搭載プラットフォーム、Adobe Premiere Rushのようなプロフェッショナルグレードのツール、Canvaのようなデザイン指向のエディター、Quik by GoProのような迅速な自動ソリューション、CapCutのような多用途のモバイルアプリのいずれを探している場合でも、この表は動画制作のニーズに最適な選択肢を見つけるのに役立つはずです。


A 3D looking video editor

TikTok、Instagram Reels、YouTube Shortsなどのプラットフォームに牽引されて、短編動画コンテンツの人気が急上昇しています。コンテンツクリエーターやマーケティング担当者にとって、魅力的で目立つコンテンツを作成するには、理想的なショート形式の動画エディターを見つけることが重要です。正しい選択をするためには、機能性、使いやすさ、費用対効果、カスタマーサポートなどの要素を考慮して、ショートフォームの動画制作に適しているかどうかに基づいて編集者を評価することが重要です。

Feature Category Specific Features Importance/Details
Trimming and Cutting - Cut clips
- Trim clips
Essential for shaping narrative
Transitions and Effects - Variety of transitions
- Various effects
Add visual interest and smooth flow
Text and Titles - Easy text addition
- Customization options
Important for adding context and information
Audio Tools - Music
- Sound effects and voiceovers
- Audio editing
Crucial for audio impact and quality
Filters and Color Grading - Filters
- Color correction tools
Creates specific mood or style
Aspect Ratio Formats - Support for multiple aspect ratios Suitable for various social media platforms
Speed Controls - Slow-motion
- Time-lapse
Creative expression through speed manipulation
User Interface - Clean and organized Helps find tools quickly and efficiently
Learning Resources - Tutorials
- Guides
- Community forum
Assists in maximizing the use of the editor
Mobile App - Availability for on-the-go editing Huge advantage for mobile users
Drag-and-Drop Functionality - Simplifies the editing process Makes it more accessible for beginners
Free Version - Trial use without financial commitment Test features before purchasing
Subscription vs. One-Time Purchase - Continuous updates vs. economical long-term Choose based on preference and usage
Included Assets - Check if editor includes free assets like music, filters, and effects Asset availability could be a cost-saving factor


A stick figure head with headphones on it looking at a PC monitor that shows a video editor

理想的な短編動画編集ツールを追求するには、独自のニーズ、スキルレベル、予算を考慮することが不可欠です。革新性と効率性に惹かれるなら、DeepBrain AI による AI Studios は、高度な AI 機能と時間節約機能を備えた強力な味方になるかもしれません。デジタル環境が進化し続ける中、最新の動向を常に把握しておくと、選択したプラットフォームの可能性を最大限に引き出すことができます。結局のところ、最高のエディターとは、実際の要件を満たすだけでなく、動画プロジェクトの創造性とインスピレーションを刺激するエディターです。

4つのベストショートフォームビデオエディターの比較 [2024年5月]
Reina In

Data Specialist

Fluent in the linguistics of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese, I am a skilled data specialist with a primary focus on the collection and management of language learning data for artificial intelligence applications. My expertise encompasses understanding the intricacies and nuances of East Asian languages, which enhances the quality and effectiveness of AI language training datasets.

4つのベストショートフォームビデオエディターの比較 [2024年5月] 4つのベストショートフォームビデオエディターの比較 [2024年5月]