ディープフェイク 検出ソリューション

DeepBrain AIのオンラインディープフェイク検出器でデジタルスペースを保護しましょう。ディープフェイク検出器は、AIが生成したコンテンツを数分で迅速かつ正確に識別できるように設計されています。

sound on




高度なディープラーニングアルゴリズムを搭載したDeepBrain AIのディープフェイク識別ツールは、ビデオコンテンツのさまざまな要素を調べて、さまざまな種類の合成メディア操作を効果的に区別して検出します。

구간별 분석으로 정확하게 판별



간단한 작동 방법


フェイススワップ、リップシンクの操作、AI 生成動画など、さまざまなディープフェイクフォームを正確に検出し、信頼のおける本物のコンテンツを確実にお届けします。

다양한 유형 범위


改ざんされた動画やメディアを迅速かつ正確に検出して、さまざまなディープフェイク犯罪から保護します。DeepBrain AI の検出ソリューションは、詐欺、個人情報の盗難、個人的搾取、および誤報キャンペーンの防止に役立ちます。


DeepBrain AIのデジタルセーフティとインテグリティへの取り組み




딥페이크 범죄 피해를 최소화 하기 위해 적극적인 기술 지원 경찰청


DeepBrain AIは、ソウル国立大学のAI研究所(DASIL)と共同で「ディープフェイク操作ビデオAIデータ」プロジェクトのリーダーとして韓国の科学情報通信省によって選ばれました。

전세계 최초 개발

30 日間無料アクセス

企業、政府機関、教育機関を対象に、AI によるビデオ犯罪と闘い、その対応能力を強化するためのデモを 1 か月間無料で提供しています。

무료 기술 지원



What is a Deepfake?

A deepfake is synthetic media created using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. It typically involves manipulating or generating visual and audio content to make it appear as if a person has said or done something that they haven't in reality. Deepfakes can range from face swaps in videos to entirely AI-generated images or voices that mimic real people with a high degree of realism.

What features does a Deepfake Detection Solution offer?

DeepBrain AI's deepfake detection solution is designed to identify and filter out AI-generated fake content. It can spot various types of deepfakes, including face swaps, lip syncs, and AI/computer-generated videos. The system works by comparing suspicious content with original data to verify authenticity. This technology helps prevent potential harm from deepfakes and supports criminal investigations. By quickly flagging artificial content, DeepBrain AI's solution aims to protect individuals and organizations from deepfake-related threats.

How does deepfake detection technology work?

Each deepfake detection system uses different techniques to spot manipulated content. DeepBrain AI’s deepfake detection process leverages a multi-step method to verify authenticity:

  1. Machine Learning Algorithms: AI models scan for unusual patterns or errors
  2. Data Comparison: The system compares the content with original sources
  3. Deep Learning-Based Analysis: Detailed facial and vocal features are examined using deep learning
  4. Segment Inspection: Specific segments are inspected for signs of manipulation

This multi-step approach allows DeepBrain AI to thoroughly analyze videos, images, and audio to determine if they are genuine or artificially created.

How accurate is deepfake detection technology?

The accuracy of DeepBrain AI’s deepfake detection technology varies as the technology develops, but it generally detects deepfakes with over 90% accuracy. As the company continues to advance its technology, this accuracy keeps improving.

Can deepfake content be blocked in advance?

DeepBrain AI's current deepfake solution focuses on rapid detection rather than preemptive blocking. The system quickly analyzes videos, images, and audio, typically delivering results within 5–10 minutes. It categorizes content as "real" or "fake" and provides data on alteration rates and synthesis types.

Aimed at mitigating harm, the solution does not automatically remove or block content but notifies relevant parties like content moderators or individuals concerned about deepfake impersonation. The responsibility for action rests with these parties, not DeepBrain AI.

DeepBrain AI is actively working with other organizations and companies to make preemptive blocking a possibility. For now, its detection solutions help review suspicious content and assist in investigating fake deepfake videos to reduce further harm.

How are big tech companies responding to the deepfake issue?

Major tech companies are actively responding to the deepfake issue through collaborative initiatives aimed at mitigating the risks associated with deceptive AI content. Recently, they signed the "Tech Accord to Combat Deceptive Use of AI in 2024 Elections" at the Munich Security Conference. This agreement commits firms like Microsoft, Google, and Meta to develop technologies that detect and counter misleading content, particularly in the context of elections. They are also developing advanced digital watermarking techniques for authenticating AI-generated content and partnering with governments and academic institutions to promote ethical AI practices. Additionally, companies continuously update their detection algorithms and raise public awareness about deepfake risks through educational campaigns, demonstrating a strong commitment to addressing this emerging challenge.

While major tech companies are making strides to combat deepfakes, their efforts may not be enough. The vast amount of content on social media makes it nearly impossible to catch every instance of manipulated media, and more sophisticated deepfakes can evade detection for longer periods.

For individuals and organizations seeking additional protection, specialized solutions like DeepBrain AI offer a valuable layer of security. By continuously analyzing internet media and tracking specific individuals, DeepBrain AI helps mitigate the risks associated with deepfakes. In summary, while industry initiatives are important, a multi-faceted approach that includes specialized tools and public awareness is essential for effectively tackling the deepfake challenge.
